SWF to Video Converter

Perfectly and quickly convert SWF to MP4, AVI, WMV, MKV, FLV, MOV, MPG, HTML5 videos and GIF files with high quality.

Convert SWF format to most popular extensions like MP4, AVI, WMV, MKV, FLV, MOV, MPG, HTML5 video, GIF files and keep the original SWF quality

IUWEsoft SWF to Video Converter can easily convert non-interactive SWF videos. It allows you to convert SWF files to popular video formats for watching on PC, TV, tablet or Smartphone. You can convert SWF to MP4, AVI, WMV, MKV, FLV, MOV, MPG, HTML5 video and GIF files with high quality.

You can obtain SWF files from the Internet through the integrated Free SWF downloader, which can also automatically convert the files after they arrive on your computer. Although it is optional, you may need to access the Edit tab just in case you want to add a logo or crop the output video.

IUWEsoft SWF to Video Converter supports multiple output file types and edits before conversion. It provides you with 2 modes "Single Mode" and "Batch Mode" to convert SWF files. If you want to convert several swf files and want to edit and convert one file at a time, "single mode" is a good choice. If you want to convert a large number of swf files, "batch mode" can help you.

In addition, you can also adjust the video encoder, frame rate, Bitrate, video size, background color, audio encoder, channel, audio bitrate and simple rate.

our video

Best SWF to Video Converter software converts SWF to MP4, MOV, HTML5, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Upload SWF files to IUWEsoft SWF to Video Converter, adjust video settings and select video format from "Output Format" drop-down list. And then click "Convert" to convert SWF to video like MP4 for free.

Yes. Select "Batch Mode" from "Mode" drop-down list and you can add SWF videos that you would like to convert to MP4 or any other video format.

In the main interface, the built-in Free SWF Downloader allows you to download SWF videos from website, just select the URL and paste it in the address bar and then click "Start Download".